The absolute best resource for learning XPages is the demonstration example, which can be found here ( XPages heavily uses the Dojo toolkit ( ), which is much like jQuery (similar concepts, same ideas; use XMLHttpRequest to drive your application).
Still, it doesn't address the main problem with XPages, which is the poor user authentication process. You can't just use the Lotus Notes account to authenticate. You have to set the Internet Password settings in every individual user account. A very tedious process if you didn't start off from the beginning using internet settings. Even in the Lotus Notes web browser it can't authenticate.
There are ways around this using Tivoli (free if you are licensed for Domino Server) or some other user account management program and as always you could write your own and reinvent the wheel.
However, if you can't answer the authentication problem, then you won't get the most out of XPages.
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